Klippel named SCDC Facutly Fellow

Dr. Alexander Klippel has been named the first Stuckeman Center for Design Computing (SCDC) Faculty Fellow for the 2016/17 academic year. The Fellowship has been made possible by Professor José Duarte, Director of the SCDC and Stuckeman Chair in Design Innovation. The fellowship will allow Alex to deepen a collaboration that has been successfully developing over the last year and has resulted in funding through LMI, Penn State’s Ecology Institute, COIL RIG, and Penn State Cyber Science Institute. The goal of the fellowship is to foster joint research interests in 3D modeling and virtual reality, to enable student and faculty interaction, and to offer a new course on Virtual Reality in Spring 2017. Additionally, through a recently funded COIL RIG proposal VR contributions will also be made to a design studio taught by Professor Duarte in the Spring of 2017 focusing on studying and understanding the design of a favela located in Santa Marta in Rio, Brazil.

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